Inzide Memberships
New Zealand Green Building Council
Inzide joined the New Zealand Green Building Council in 2006.
Steve Aschebrock, the Managing Director and joint owner of Inzide was elected as chair of the board for New Zealand Green Building Counsel's Industry Group: Construction and Supply fron November 2019 - November 2022.
We are proud to have been involved in many key NZGBC Greenstar buildings. Notably in 2007 Inzide outfitted New Zealand's first 5 Greenstar building in Wellington; Meridian Energies Head Office. Inzide strongly believe in and support the efforts of the New Zealand Green Building Council and look forward to many more joint projects in the future. Because at the end of the day the more we do to support green ethos within the building industry the better it is for all New Zealander's.
New Zealand Institute of Architecture
This past year has seen carbon come to the fore in NZ with the build up to COP27 and a strong directive from the Government through its building for Climate Change Programme, ensuring all Government departments are in buildings with NABERS ratings and buildings above $9M have Greenstar certification. In addition the NZGBC has been vocal around carbon with Homestar V5 including embodied carbon in the tool and is currently seeking feedback on its new version of Greenstar which will also include embodied carbon.
In recent years it has become common knowledge that the built environment is responsible for approximately 20% of total carbon emissions in New Zealand. Seeing a need for support and education within the industry and knowing there was need for more information in this space, we worked with Interface to develop a NZIA accredited CPD presentation that explored the realities of carbon, the problems, pitfalls and opportunities. “Carbon in the Built Environment” was the result.
Over 2021 & 2022, we had the pleasure of presenting to hundreds of architects and designers to see mindsets change in practices around New Zealand that support the need to neutralise carbon for the future. Seeing an increase in carbon understanding and the subsequent increase and awareness of carbon neutral and negative materials has been a BIG step in the right direction, and the rise in use of technology and tools like the NZGBC carbon calculator aid in achieving reductions of operational carbon and embodied carbon in buildings across New Zealand.
We will continue to work with our suppliers to provide valuable CPD opportunities with the NZIA in the future.
Inzide is proud to support Floor NZ as the authority on Best Practice Floor Installation in New Zealand.