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Amesbury Primary

Installation: Amesbury Primary, Wellington Specifier: McKenzie Higham Architects Contractor: Hills Flooring Product: Cubic Colours – Various colours

Amesbury Primary was a brand new school. The Ministry of Education (MOE) wanted the floor to excite the students and create a vibrant, positive learning environment.

And, being taxpayer funded, the MOE needed to ensure life-time value.

McKenzie Higham Architects had no hesitation in choosing Interface carpet tile from Inzide Commercial.

Carpet tile is the solution for all education spaces to avoid, tracking, fading and freying withthe added benefit that high traffic areas can be swapped with low traffic areas during the annual school holiday shut down period if required. Interface carpet tile from INZIDE Commercial has a 20 year education performance warranty, there was no question about product performance.  

Now it was simply a matter of choosing the pattern and colours. Cubic colours was such an easy choice. Look at the pictures. With a dazzling selection of 16 colourways that range from bold primaries to candy pastels, and incorporating i2's revolutionary mergeable dye lots which can be selectively picked and replaced, even years later without looking out of place, cubic colours is a fantastic option for schools.

The MOE definitely got their life-time value equation nailed.

Amesbury Primary
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