Why Inzide ?
At Inzide, we genuinely seek to make a positive difference.
We work in an empowered team, our values are real and our team culture strong.
Our purpose is to deliver Sustainable Flooring Solutions - The Inzide Way.
The Inzide Way...
Passionate & Idealistic - valuing; quality, design, brand & environmental credentials.
Authentic - Expert knowledge and integrity in all of our dealings
Relationship Driven - Communicating openly and honestly & expecting the same in return.
Environmental Conscience - We account for our footprint and mitigate wherever we can.
Inspiring - We lead by example, innovate and challenge.

We believe strongly in the circular economy and practice this ethos through Interface’s ReEntry recycling scheme in Australia, among other initiatives such as Toitu's Carbonzero program.
In 28 years of supplying sustainable flooring solutions we have:
Recycled and re-used 553
tonnes of carpet tile*
Offset 7144
tonnes of carbon*
Mitigated 650.24
tonnes of carbon*
Saved 396,722
litres of fuel by using a Prius car fleet*
It all starts with local companies investing in New Zealand’s economy and biosphere to make a real difference to our world.
*2024 metrics shown.
We supply the best brands
We have an exceptional team of
flooring and design experts

Michael Long
Auckland & Northland Flooring Consultant
Technical Advisor

Mike Bryan
Auckland Flooring Consultant
Hospitality Development Manager

Michelle Smith
Auckland Flooring Consultant

Dannie Chen
Auckland Flooring Consultant

Ian Scott
Central North Island Flooring Consultant

Jess Playford
Central NZ Flooring Consultant

Tracey Southall
Wellington Flooring Consultant

Jeremy Jarman
South Island Flooring Consultant

Maryam Rezazadeh
Flooring Concept Designer

Steve Aschebrock
Managing Director

Jarrod Langstone
Operations Director & Contractor Consultant