Maori TV
Maori TV
RCG Architects
Human Nature Nickel, Slate & Custom colours
Maori Television had outgrown their current premises and approached RCG for location and design solutions. The people and teams were divided throughout the building and disconnected across key areas. The organisation wanted to change the way staff worked with a shift to open-plan, but also bring teams together and create a space that worked for their needs now and into the future.
RCG stated that “as well as bringing everyone together, we wanted to weave Maori Television into the building fabric, based on Te aho tapu – the sacred thread. We aimed to bring the Company’s DNA and mauri into the new premises as well as combine the latest technology into the built environment”.
With that brief they set about creating a 2018 Interior Award (>1,000m2) winning Office sapce that is simply magnificent.
When Inzide was approached by RCG to work on this project we were excited. After a trip to the mill in Sydney which highlighted to RCG what can be achieved with modular flooring and the Interface custom process, plans were laid out and the flooring designs quickly took shape. The “weaving into the building fabric” brief lead the design process and the end result is stunning. The colours, the use of old fishing net yarns, the ability to recycle the carpet tile out of Maori TV and out of NZ at the end of its life, the biophilic texturing. It all came together as it only can when you work with the best on the global flooring stage – Interface. And with Inzide looking after the service delivery in NZ the result was always going to WOW. And WOW!! It is.
No wonder it took out the pre-eminent Interior Award in NZ, in 2018.
Photography by Mark Scowen